Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Big Apple

"Big Apple" 28" X 22" Oil on Canvas

The second painting of my fruit series. I am trying to keep the simplicity in my life and not worry about the detail so much, but the important things like the lights and shadows.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Cherry Lemon-Aid!

12" X 12" Oil on Canvas

A very wet painting I just finished. With summers bounty I want to take advantage of the beautiful still life it can create. I do like to paint food - all kinds! LOL!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Magnolia Tree

"Magnolia" 10" X 8" Oil on Canvas

This is a small study for a larger painting I plan on doing. I wasn't really sure how I was going to paint a magnolia tree. I was asked to paint the tree as a commission so I decided to paint it small first to work out the composition and how I was going to go about it. I think I like it, but I am still not sure. I want to keep it loose without to much detail. I really am striving for a feeling.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lake Huron From the Deck

10" X 8" Oil On Canvas

Simplicity. I am trying to find simplicity in my life and my work. I have finally cleared my cluttered life enough to slip a painting in! I haven't painted for over a year now and it really effected my balance. I thought this would be a great first painting.

The painting is a view of Lake Huron from the back deck at the house of my friend who lives in Pinconning Michigan. Yes, the home of Pinconning cheese! A girls weekend is held there at least once a year and we bask in the views, dine on wonderful cheese while enjoying a cocktail or two or three or....

This represents the simplicity, peace and tranquility I hope I can find in my life.