Saturday, July 18, 2009

Lake Huron "End of the Day"

"End of the Day" 11" X 4" Oil on Canvas

"End of the Day" Detail

This painting was taken from a picture I took 4th of July weekend at the end of the day on Lake Huron. Our poor umbrella just couldn't hold up any longer and looked so tired! Needless to say we had a great bonfire that night on the beach with fireworks, guitars and friends!

This painting will be available for purchase soon.

Sunflower II (Farmer's Market)

I just wasn't satisfied. I just felt it wasn't done and it wasn't my vision yet. After looking at it for a while and getting some great advice from my good friend and fellow artist, Barb, I decided to revisit the "Farmer's Market". I feel so much better now.

I reworked the top right corner of the background and added some large leaves in front. I also added more detail to the sunflowers.

I know I was trying not to add to much detail and wanted to focus on color and values, but I just felt they really needed more work.
Its not a major change but I think enough to make the painting complete in my eyes. Below are some close ups of the painting

This painting will be available for sale on ebay soon!

I am leaving the old images below on the this blog, because everything we do is a learning experience. If someone can learn or take away something useful from my own learning experience (or mistakes) then I am a happy person and nothing is wasted!

Cheers! Bev