Sunday, August 9, 2009

Cats Out of the Bag!

Yes, its true! The Cats out of the Bag! Just thought I'd share some funny pictures of my cat, Toonsis and his sleeping habits!

Sorry I don't have any paintings right now, I am in an art festival this weekend and will be back painting after next week. Its been crazy this weekend with lots of rain! Hopefully tomorrow will be better though the temps are supposed to reach in the 90's!

See you in a couple of weeks!


Krista Hasson said...

Too cute, animals really brighten your life, i do not know what I would do without my dogs, they are constantly amusing.

Beverly Zajac-Larsen said...

I'm glad you liked it Krista. Yes agree, I don't know what I would do without my pets either. Toonsis also has a big brother named "Mike", and neither one of them knows he's a dog! LOL!

Lille Diane said...

These pics are adorable. Cats are the most unique creatures in the Universe! My cat was raised by a wiener dog. He's a delightful mess. LOL